Atomic Absorption Detector for Chromium Organometallic Compounds Separated by High Speed Liquid Chromatography

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) has been demonstrated to be a metal-specific detector for chromium organometallic compounds separated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Column effluent from the HPLC instrument was fed directly to the aspirator of the atomic absorption instrument set to record absorption due to chromium. Well defined peaks were obtained. In addition to being specific for a given metal, the method is free of some of the constrictions placed upon conventional ultraviolet absorption and refractive index detectors commonly used with HPLC. For example, solvents which absorb strongly in the ultraviolet may be employed and there is no need to use expensive spectroquality solvents. The method promises to be particularly useful for the analysis of specific organometallic compounds found in liquefied coal and shale oil.