The causes of the delayed coagulation of hemophilic blood seem to become clearer as time advances. On one side we have the investigations of the school of Minot, indicating a deficit in the globulin fraction; and on the other side are the works of those who maintain that there exists an excess of anticoagulant substances. We support the latter theory, although in our opinion the two theories do not contradict each other, since it might be possible that this anticoagulant substance would act on the globulin fraction diminishing its coagulant power. This substance could be identified with the anticephalin fraction of Tocantins. With the idea that this substance might be less stable than the coagulant fractions (fibrinogen, prothrombin, and thromboplastin) we have tried to render it inactive by keeping the blood in a refrigerator for a certain length of time. Inactivity was obtained in some of our experiments. We know that the stability of this substance varies from one patient to the other, but we have not been able to fix the cause of these variations. In conclusion, we consider that other means of neutralizing the action of this anticoagulant substance should be investigated. This inactivity once obtained, we should have advanced far in solving the intricate problem of hemophilia.