Tongues of young adult mice were fixed by freezing and drying (Altmann-Gersh method). Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, mucicarmine, toluidin blue (wet preparations), methyl green-pyronin, and the periodic acid-leukofuchsin method. Some sections were treated with collagenase, trypsin, and control buffers prior to staining with the periodic acid-leukofuchsin method. The cytoplasm of cells of mucous alveoli stains metachromatically with toluidin blue; blue-green with methyl green-pyronin; and is intensely periodic acid-leukofuchsin positive. The cytoplasm of serous alveoli stains ortho-chromatically with toluidin blue; pink-tan with methyl green-pyromin and is periodic acid leukofuchsin positive to a lesser degree than observed in the mucous alveoli. The cytoplasmic contents of serous alveoli are more water soluble and more readily altered by enzymes than those of mucous alveoli.