An analytic nonperturbative treatment of degenerate four-wave mixing is presented to study Zeeman-coherence effects in phase conjugation. The counterpropagating pump waves are taken to be orthogonally circularly polarized and interact with different Zeeman sublevels. The nonlinear medium is modeled in terms of a homogeneously broadened, folded three-level system. Particular attention is paid to the phase-conjugate spectrum obtained by varying the Larmor frequency associated with the Zeeman splitting. A level-crossing resonance is found to occur in the saturation regime and manifests itself as a narrow peak or dip depending on various level decay rates. Even for a purely absorptive system, the Zeeman coupling of the ground-state degenerate sublevels is shown to produce significant phase-conjugate reflectivities at pump intensities much lower than those required for a two-level system.