The chlorine NMR in CoCl2·2H2O has been studied in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic states. Zeeman-splitting studies in the paramagnetic state (76°K) yield h1e2qzzQ35=9.866±0.001 Mc/sec, η=0.44±0.01, and magnetic field shifts (ΔHH0)αα=0.032±0.002, (ΔHH0)ββ=0.112±0.002, (ΔHH0)γγ=0.108±0.002. The principal-axis orientations of the electric-field-gradient and field-shift tensors are Zb, X(a*30°), and γb, α(a*+43°), respectively. In the antiferromagnetic state (4.0°K) zero-field resonances occur at (Cl35) 6.576, 11.534, 16.415, (Cl37) 5.702, 9.611, 13.460 (±0.002) Mc/sec. Using the paramagnetic-state asymmetry parameter, the observed frequencies yield h1e2qzzQ: (Cl35) 9.855, (Cl37) 7.767 Mc/sec, and effective 0°K internal magnetic fields Hi: (Cl35) 27.558, (Cl37) 27.595 kOe. The internal field assignments correspond to a magnetic hyperfine anomaly for the two isotopes of (1.3±0.4) × 103. The principal directions and principal values of the magnetic-susceptibility tensor have been determined in the paramagnetic state (20-120°K). The susceptibility is characterized by extreme rhombic anisotropy. The major axis δ coincides with b; the other two axes (