During each of the four years 1957-60 the growth of the carrot crops in a long-term manurial experiment was studied. Significant increases in the yield of roots were produced by the application of farmyard manure and of potassic fertilizer but not by the application of nitrogenous or phosphatic fertilizers. The mean annual yields, and the responses to the applications of FYM and K, varied considerably from year to year. The applications of FYM resulted in increases of 15-20% in the net assimilation rates and relative growth rates of the plants but these increases persisted for only 4-7 weeks when growth of the leaves on all plots was exponential. Subsequently net assimilation and relative growth rates of the plants on the FYM plots were slightly less than those on the no-FYM plots. It appeared that the initial differences in net assimilation rates were the main cause of the increased leafiness of the plants on the FYM plots, and hence of the increases in yields of roots. Year-to-year differences in the total weight of leaves produced were related mainly to differences in the amount of rainfall during their growth. Yearly variation in root yields, however, was related both to the amount and to the distribution of the rainfall during growth. The relative importance of variations in net assimilation rate and in leaf weight ratio are discussed.