REPORTS of glomus tumors have appeared in the literature with increasing frequency since this entity was described by Masson1 in 1924. The vast majority of these cases reported have been concerned with small solitary tumors situated on an extremity which were characteristically extremely sensitive to slightest pressure. Even with increased awareness of this entity, it is still relatively rare. Love2 in 1935 described the first glomus tumor recognized at the Mayo Clinic. He recently reported 13 more such tumors and stated that other tumors not included in his series had been diagnosed in the Clinic.3 In the Section on Dermatology at the Clinic a histological and clinical diagnosis of glomus tumor has been made in nine additional cases, only one of which presented multiple glomus tumors. A survey of the literature revealed only 18 cases of multiple glomus tumors previously reported.4 In one case reported