High-Resolution Study ofCo58by (d,α) and (He3,d) Reactions

We have investigated levels of Co58 up to 4.1-MeV excitation by studying Ni60(d,α)Co58 at 17 MeV and the reactions Fe57(He3,d) and Co59(He3,α) at 18-MeV bombarding energy using the University of Pittsburgh Van de Graaff accelerator. Angular distributions up to 80 and 45°, respectively, for the first two reactions were taken with position-sensitive counters and nuclear emulsions in the focal plane of the Enge split-pole spectrograph. Typical experimental resolutions were 9-14 keV. Angular distributions for over 110 levels were compared with distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations in order to extract orbital angular momentum transfers. Optical-model well parameters satisfying the "well-matching" condition gave improved agreement of (d,α) calculations with experimental angular distributions. Spectroscopic factors were obtained for seventy Fe57(He3,d)Co58 transitions. We give Jπ assignments for nine levels and Jπ suggestions or limits for a total of 88 levels. Some low-lying Co58 levels can be described as Co56* plus a "spectator" neutron pair. Comparison with shell-model calculations of McGrory suggests that noticeable (πf721,νf721) strength appears in the Co58 spectrum for 4+ states at around 500 keV of excitation. About 11 states predicted by McGrory could be identified with those seen experimentally.