Measurement of the1sLamb shift in hydrogenlike chlorine

The 1s Lamb shift in hydrogenlike chlorine has been determined from a precision measurement of the 2p321s12(Lyα1) and 2p121s12(Lyα2) x-ray transitions using beam-foil excitation. The x rays are emitted from high-velocity chlorine-ion beams at several ion velocities produced by a Van de Graaf accelerator. The 1s Lamb shifts obtained from the Lyα1 and Lyα2 measurements are 0.84(12) and 0.90(10) eV, respectively, compared with a calculated value of 0.9384(6) eV. The fine-structure splitting of the 2p level was also determined in this experiment and found to be 3.889(30) eV compared with a theoretical value of 3.827 18(2) eV. A precision measurement of the Ar Kα x rays was made in order to establish the energy scale for Cl Lyα x rays. The newly determined energies are 2957.813(8), 2955.684(13), and 2977.51(6) eV for the Kα1, Kα2, and Kα4 energies, respectively.