On the Mean-Square Error of Various Spectrum-Recovery Techniques in Hadamard Transform Spectrometry

The multiplexing inherent in the Hadamard transform (HT) spectrometer can result in an improved spectrum-estimate when the detector is the major source of noise. A spectrum-estimate may be further improved by taking into account any nonidealities in the system. In this paper, observations concerning the errors associated with such estimates are presented, with the use of results obtained from computer simulations. Three spectrum-recovery techniques for an HT spectrometer having a nonideal electro-optic mask are considered in terms of the mean-square error (MSE) associated with a given estimate. The discussion of the MSE is with respect to the input spectrum to be estimated, the detector noise, the transmittances of the nonideal mask, and the use of coaddition. Included is a review of the computational efficiency and the statistical bias of each method. The relative performances of the spectrum-recovery methods are presented with examples to help identify the sources of error for each of the techniques.