Metabolic mapping of the primary visual system of the monkey by means of the autoradiographic [14C]deoxyglucose technique.

An autoradiographic technique that employs 2-[14-C]deoxyglucose to measure the local rates of glucose utilization within the brain has been applied to the binocular visual system of the Macaque monkey. This method, which pictorially displays the relative rates of glucose consumption in the component structures of the brain, delineates the regions of altered functional activity because of the close relationship between functional activity and energy metabolism. Bilateral retinal stimulation results in the delineation of different rates of glucose consumption in at least four cytoarchitectural layers of the striate cortex. The most intense metabolic activity appears to be in Layer IV, the locus of the termination of the geniculocortical pathway. Bilateral visual occlusion lowers the rates of glucoes consumption in striate cortex and markedly reduces the metabolic differentiation of the various layers. Unilateral visual deprivation delineates the laminae of the lateral geniculate body and the ocular dominance columns of the striate cortex. It also results in the autoradiographic visualization of regions with normally monocular input in the striate cortex, such as the rostral portions of the mushroom-like configurations in the calcarine cortex, which represent the extreme temporal crescents of the visual fields, and small regions in the most caudal part of the mushroom configurations, which are believed to represent the cortical loci of the blind spotsof the visual fields.