Maillard Reaction: Investigation of the Chemical Structure of Melanoioins Synthesized from D-Xylose and Glycine Using13C and15N Specifically Labeled Reactants

Melanoldins were Isolated 1n 36% yield w/w from molar solution of D-xylose and glydne-2-13C (A); D-xylose and glycine-l-13C (B); D-xylose-1-13C and glydne (C); D-xylose and glyclne (D); D-xylose and glycine-15N (E). Each solutTon was kept at 68[ddot]C until complete disappearance of xylose as evidenced by NMR. 13C and 15N solid state nuclear magnetic resonance and diffuse reflectance Infrared spectrometry were used in their structural elucidation before and after basic and add hydrolysis. Both C-1 and C-2 of glycine were Incorporated Into the polymers. In the 13C CP-MAS NMR spectra, C-1 gave a single peak in the polymer at 171.3 ppm, while C-2 gave three at 48.1, 31.2 and 22.5 ppm. Area measurements of the respective peaks Indicated that 50% of the Incorporated glycine had undergone decarboxylatlon. C-1 of xylose was Incorporated into the polymers mainly as two types of carbons at 68.8 ppm (CHOH, C-OH) and at 133.3 ppm (unsaturated C). Hydrolysis (6N HC1) led to a 20% reduction 1n weight of the melanoldlns, a decrease of 2% in C and 10% in N. 13C CP-MAS NMR revealed after hydrolysis of D, the disappearance of signals at 69, 110, 152, 172 and 200 ppm. Hydrolysis of A and B reduced all signals originating from C-1 and C-2 of glydne, while hydrolysis of C reduced only the signal of 68.8 ppm. 15N CP-MAS NMR of hydrolyzed E showed a greatly reduced amide resonance at 100 ppm, with more pyrrole or imino N. DR-IR showed a reduction 1n both the 1625 and 1550 cm-1 bands with a concurrent appearance of a 1715 cm-1 band.