On neuronal homology: A comparison of similar axons in Musca, Sarcophaga, and Drosophila (Diptera: Schizophora)

Thoracic axons occurring in Musca and Sarcophaga are similar to those previously reported in the giant fiber pathway of Drosophila. Serial section reconstruction of both species has shown that the cervical giant fiber descending from the brain into the thoracic ganglion and the thoracic motor axon innervating the tergotrochanteral muscle follow courses matching those of similar axons in Drosophila. Likewise in both Musca and Sarcophaga a thoracic axon establishes axoaxonal synapses onto dorsal longitudinal muscle motor neurons. This axon is similar in both course and synaptic configuration to the peripherally synapsing interneuron in Drosophila. Although these similarities suggest that the three axon pairs are homologous in all three fly species, several differences are also observed. Thus this system of identified axons may be a useful model for investigating phylogenetic variation in specific neuronal form and connectivity.