Evaluation of sleep disordered breathing with unattended recording: the Nightwatch System

There is a need for studies to determine how new ambulatory systems compare to traditional polysomnography (PSG). Thirty-four subjects were recorded with the Nightwatch (NW) System (Heathdyne Inc.) at home and then recorded with PSG in the laboratory. NW records were scored automatically using the NW algorithm with manual editing. There were no significant differences in mean RDI, AI, number of apneas or hypopneas or oximetry varibles between the systems. Correlations of RDI on the Nightwatch system and laboratory nights were significant (r = 0.63). Every case of RDI > or = 10 on the PSG was also identified by Nightwatch. Specificity was lower on Nightwatch (66%); however, all three cases of false positives could be explained physiologically, i.e. by body position. Overall the NW system correlated well with traditional PSG for respiratory disturbance.