Exact and approximate results for the ground-state energy of a Fröhlich polaron in two dimensions

The ground-state energy of a two-dimensional (2D) Fröhlich polaron is calculated to second order in the coupling constant (α) and gives E/ħωs=-(π/2)α-0.063 97α2 with ħωs the surface optical-phonon energy. In the strong-coupling limit the adiabatic approximation is used and E/ħωs=-0.4047α2 is found to leading order in α. The Feynman path-integral approximation, the Gaussian approximation, and the modified Lee-Low-Pines unitary transformation approximation to the polaron ground-state energy all satisfy the scaling relation E2D(α)=(2/3)E3D(( 3π/4)α), where E2D (E3D) is the ground-state energy of the 2D (3D) polaron.