Enhancement of blue-light sensitivity of Arabidopsis seedlings by a blue light receptor cryptochrome 2

Cryptochrome is a group of flavin-type blue light receptors that regulate plant growth and development. The function of Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 in the early photomorphogenesis of seedlings was studied by using transgenic plants overexpressing CRY2 protein, and cry2 mutant plants accumulating no CRY2 protein. It is found that cryptochrome 2 mediates blue light-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and stimulation of cotyledon opening under low intensities of blue light. In contrast to CRY1, the expression of CRY2 is rapidly down-regulated by blue light in a light-intensity dependent manner, which provides a molecular mechanism to explain at least in part that cryptochrome 2 functions primarily under low light during the early development of seedlings.