Molecular evolution of the neurohypophysial hormones: The active peptides of a primitive bony fish Polypterus bichir

Neurohypophysial hormones have been so far identified in Neopterygii and Crossopterygii but not in species of the bird sub-class of bony fishes, the Palaeopterygii. Isolation and chemical characterization of the active principles of a primitive bony fish, Polypterus bichir, have been performed. Isotocin (Ser4—Ile8—oxytocin) and arginine vasotocin (Arg8—oxytocin) have been identified. Because the same peptides were found in the recent Neopterygii, it can be deduced that neurohypophysial hormones have displayed a peculiar stability in the course of the evolution of bony fishes. However isotocin and vasotocin are replaced by oxytocin and vasopressins in mammals and therefore might be regarded as “old” molecules.