La Maladie Des Eleveurs De Pigeons : Alveolite Allergique Extrinseque Du Colombophile

Summary The term « Extrinsic allergic alveolitis » refers to a growing number of diseases of which farmer lung and birds breeder disease are classical examples. The clinical features, common to these conditions, consist of pulmonary (dyspnoea, cough, thoracic aches, fine crepitations at both lung bases) and systemic (fever, chills, loss of weight) symptoms. The functional abnormality is essentially a restrictive ventilatory disturbance with impairment of gas transfer and decrease in lung compliance. The pathology of the lung shows infiltration of the alveolar walls with polymorphs, lymphocytes and plasma cells or epitheloid granulomata. These lesions are thought to result from an immunologic reaction (type III) between precipitating antibodies and inhaled organic dusts, small enough to reach the alveolar level. The diagnosis should rely on the following findings : 1. demonstration of serum precipitins against the relevant organic dust; 2. occurrence of an Arthus type reaction following intracutaneous injection of the antigen; 3. a positive provocative inhalation test (fever, dyspnoea with impairment of pulmonary function) 6 hours following inhalation of the antigen.