Interaction of Fast Neutrons with OrientedHo165

Total cross-section and angular distribution measurements are reported for 8- and 15-MeV neutrons incident on unoriented Ho165. Measurements of the "deformation effect" in the total cross section for unpolarized neutrons incident on oriented Ho165 at 8 and 15 MeV are also reported. The first and second moments of the nuclear orientation were B1B1(max)=+0.55 and B2B2(max)=+0.25. If the "deformation effect" is defined by ΔσDef=σ(oriented)σ(unoriented), the experimental results for ΔσDef are -38±10 mb and -139±16 mb at 8 and 15 MeV, respectively. The above data are explained by a coupled-channel analysis based on the rotational optical model, and the optical parameters derived from this analysis are used to interpret a measurement of the "spin-spin effect" at En=7.85 MeV. The neutron polarization for the measurement was 0.34. If the "spin-spin effect" is defined by Δσss=σσ, the experimental result for Δσss is +3±13 mb at En=7.85 MeV. If Δσss is assumed to arise from a term of the form Vssf(r, r0A13, a)×I·σI in the optical potential, the acceptable limits on the strength of the potential are 340 keV<Vss<540 keV. The present experimental results are compared with other published data on the interaction of neutrons with oriented Ho165.