Influence of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis on renal vascular resistance and on renal vascular responses to vasopressor and vasodilator agents in the cat.

We determined the effects of indomethacin and meclofenamate, two inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis, on renal vascular resistance and on renal responses to nerve stimulation, pressor and depressor hormones in the in situ feline kidney under conditions of controlled blood flow. Both inhibitors produced a gradual rise in renal vascular resistance which became maximal 15-20 minutes after administration. The increase in renal resistance after indomethacin was not attenuated during intrarenal infusion of either phentolamine or SQ 20881. Pretreatment with propranolol, in a dose sufficient to inhibit renin secretion, also did not attenuate the increase in renal resistance produced by indomethacin. However, infusion of [Sar1-, Ala8]angiotensin II, an angiotensin II antagonist, did attenuate the indomethacin-induced increase in renal vascular resistance. After indomethacin, the vasoconstrictor response to norepinephrine was enhanced, whereas responses to nerve stimulation and angiotensin were unaffected. Although meclofenamate enhanced renal vascular resistance, its effects on vasoconstrictor responses were inconsistent. After indomethacin, the renal dilator response to bradykinin was enhanced; however, dilator responses to nitroglycerin were unaltered. The present data indicate that the increase in renal vascular resistance after indomethacin does not depend on the adrenergic system but may be dependent on the renin-angiotensin system. The inconsistent effect of the inhibitors of synthesis on renal constrictor responses to nerve stimulation suggests that endogenous prostaglandins do not serve to modulate the effects of the sympathetic nervous system on the feline renal vascular bed. These results also indicate that renal dilator responses to bradykninin are not mediated by prostaglandins in the cat.