Dietary Fatty Acids and the Control of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Malic Enzyme in the Starved-Refed Rat

The role of dietary unsaturated fat in the control of hepatic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) (EC and malic enzyme (ME) (EC was studied in rats subjected to one or two cycles of starvation-refeeding. Rats starved and refed a control (5% corn oil) diet showed a threefold increase in G6PD activity and a twofold increase in ME activity as compared to ad libitum-fed rats. After a second cycle of starvation-refeeding G6PD and ME activities showed fourfold and threefold increases, respectively, as compared to ad libitum-fed rats. Feeding rats diets containing 8% linoleic or linolenic acid (as triglycerides) prevented the increase in G6PD and ME activities upon starvation-refeeding, diets with oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids when fed did not prevent this increase. Feeding rats various combinations of linoleic, linolenic and oleic acids following starvation prevented the additional increase in G6PD and ME activities after a second starvation-refeeding cycle; however, linoleic acid fed alone during the first refeeding prevented the additional increase in ME activity but not in G6PD activity. It is suggested that the dietary control of these enzymes involves one or more specific polyunsaturated fatty acids.