In earlier investigations the hydrogen affinity of body-centred cubic alloys in the range of electron/atom ratios from 4·0 to 6·0 has been studied, and the results correlated with measurements of certain physical properties of the alloys (Jones et al. 1961, Jones and McQuillan 1962, subsequently referred to as I and II respectively). In the present investigation measurements have been made of the heat of solution of a small quantity of hydrogen in alloys of molybdenum with rhenium in the range of electron/atom ratios between 6·0 and 6·4. The system molybdenum-rhenium was chosen because of the impracticability of using molybdenum-technetium alloys, and measurements were confined to alloys containing less than 40 at. % rhenium, the limit of the b.c.c. phase in this alloy system.