INTRODUCTION Working with richly infected material from kittens infected rectally withE. tetragena, very interesting forms were detected in a senile race. These are so much like Hartmann's figures of Schaudinn's preparations illustrating the spore cyst development ofE. histolyticaas to be practically identical with them. They also correspond very closely with Schaudinn's1and Craig's2descriptions of the alleged perpetuating forms ofE. histolytica. Hartmann3has called attention to the wide-spread distribution ofE. tetragena, and has expressed his opinion that most of Schaudinn's histolytica material is reallyE. tetragena. In Panama, while the perpetuating forms ofE. tetragena(cysts) have been detected in a number of cases, nothing save some budding forms in fresh material from one fatal case, and the remarkable forms in rectally infected kittens have ever been seen by me which resemble the descriptions of Schaudinn and Craig for the spore