Unambiguous Numbering of AntibioticResistanceGenes

In the past, key individuals and networks of researchers interested in resistance to particular antibiotics kept track of numbering of genes, but this system is no longer always effective. With the pace of discovery of new resistance genes increasing, it is becoming more common for the same dis- tinguishing number to be used for two different resistance genes that are reported at the same time or close together. For example, in the last few years, this has occurred twice with the dfrA-type trimethoprim resistance genes; it has also occurred with the aacA-type aminoglycoside resistance genes and the aadA-type streptomycin and spectinomycin resistance genes. Furthermore, even after assignments have been sorted out subsequently, database entries have not always been corrected, and the confusion is perpetuated in the literature. A simple solution to this problem is for genes to be assigned numbers in order of the release of relevant sequences into the public domain as entries in the GenBank/EMBL databases. As these databases are accessible to all, thorough searches by authors prior to publication can be used to ensure orderly numbering and prevent duplication of gene assignments. Au- thors can then assume responsibility for appropriate number- ing of a novel gene by releasing their sequences prior to pub- lication, at the proof stage at the latest, and conducting appropriate searches again at that time. We propose that the release of database entries indicating the correct gene number prior to publication, either at accep- tance or proof stage, should become a prerequisite for publi- cation of new resistance gene sequences. A future goal might be to establish a resistance gene database that is readily acces- sible and interactive.

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