By assuming the Coulomb forces between the ions of an electrolytic solution and by combing Poisson’s equation and Boltzmann’s principle, Debye and Hükel have developed a theory of strong electrolytes, satisfactory, however, only up to moderate concentrations. The approximate character of their method has been extensively investigated by a number of authors. Proceeding from the laws of statistics, Fowler showed that only for dilute solutions is Poisson’s equation valid in the Debye-Hükel treatment, where phenomena on a molecular scale are involved, the omitted fluctuation terms becoming appreciable at stronger concentrations. Although Halpern§ claims that at no concentration of physical interest is such a neglect permissible, we may assume from more recent work|| that Fowler’s original conclusions hold. Another objection is the use of the Colulomb law of force between two ions of charge εi and εj Fij = εiεj/Drij2, (1.1) Which is not justifiable for small values of rij. In water, for example, the main part of D is contributed by the orientation of the water dipoles, and in the vicinity of an ion, a saturation effect will exist changing the value of D considerably. In addition, the polarization, van der Waals and exchange forces between the ions come into play at their close approach.