High-Resolution Specific Heat of CoCl2· 6H2O

The specific heat of a single crystal of CoCl2 · 6H2O has been measured with high resolution near TN=2.29 K. The data were fitted to the usual asymptotic form C=Aεα+B, where ε=|1TTN|, using several different techniques. An examination of the gradient CT showed that the critical region was limited to ε7×102 and that for ε4×103 the specific heat was rounded. The data were found to fit the asymptotic form for 4×103ε7×102 with α=0.19±0.04 for T<TN and α=0.34±0.05 for T>TN. It was also found that the observed rounding could be predicted by treating the sample as a system of microcrystals having a finite distribution of ordering temperatures. It was thus possible to produce a reasonable fit to all the data for ε<7×102 using the above values of α and α which were determined from the data in the "unrounded critical region." It was further found that the results of a previous experiment in another laboratory could also be fitted over the entire critical region using the above values of α and α with a somewhat broader distribution of ordering temperatures.