A study has been made, using 2.76 Mev Na24 gamma-rays, of the angular distribution of photo-neutrons from deuterium under approximately ideal conditions of low neutron scattering from the general surroundings into the detector. Results were obtained for two general methods of neutron detection, a BF3 chamber and the Szilard-Chalmers reaction on Ca(MnO4)2. Assuming the neutron distribution to have, in the barycentric system, the form I(θ)=a+bsin2θ, the values of ab obtained are 0.212±0.008 for the first method and 0.203±0.040 for the second, giving as a weighted average 0.211±0.008. From this, the ratio of the photomagnetic cross section to the photoelectric cross section is calculated to be 0.317±0.012.