Two dimensional (2D) urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of tRNA isolated from Tetrahymena mitochondria separated at least 36 spots, while more than 45 major and minor spots were resolved with cytosolic tRNA. Co-electrophoresis of mitochondrial and cytosolic tRNAs revealed that many spots co-migrate. When radioactive mitochondrial tRNA was hybridized to mtDNA under various conditions and tRNA melted from the hybrid was analyzed by 2D gel electrophoresis, only 10 tRNA spots were found. Identified as mtDNA-encoded were 2 spots for tRNAleu, 2 for tRNAmet, and 1 each for tRNAphe, tRNAtrp and tRNAtyr. The remaining three were unidentified. Mitochondrial tRNA spots that correspond to the tRNAs for arg, gly, ile, lys, ser, and val do not hybridize with mtDNA, and in gel positions they correspond to the cytoplasmic tRNA spots for the same respective amino acids. These mitochondrial tRNAs isolated from the gel can be acylated either by the mitochondrial or cytostolic enzymes. Mitochondrial tRNA isolated from a Tetrahymena cell homogenate which was pretreated with RNase A and Micrococcus nuclease exhibited the same 2D gel pattern as a nontreated control. Mitochondrial tRNAs from old and young cells showed generally similar tRNA spots in 2D gels, though more variable spots were seen with old cells. 3H-labeled whole-cell tRNA added to the cell homogenate prior to the mitochondrial isolation procedure did not remain associated with the final mitochondrial tRNA preparation. The present studies also showed mitochondrial tRNAs bound to the mitochondrial 80S monosome and polysome fractions. Radioactive tRNA added to the mitochondrial lysate does not adhere to the ribosomes, suggesting that the ribosome-bound tRNAs are not contaminating cytoplasmic tRNAs. These results are generally in good agreement with our previous data showing that only a small number of tRNAs are coded for by the mitochondrial DNA, while the others are a selected set of imported cytoplasmic tRNAs.