Series expansions for the Ising spin glass in general dimension

We have developed 15th-order high-temperature series expansions for the study of the critical behavior of the Ising spin glass with nearest-neighbor exchange interactions each of which assumes the values ±J randomly. Series for the Edwards-Anderson spin-glass susceptibility (χEA) and two of its derivatives with respect to the ordering field have been evaluated for hypercubic lattices in general dimension, d. These extend previous general-dimension series by five terms. Certain measurable universal amplitude ratios have been estimated from the new series. Accurate critical data for d=5 and the first reliable estimates of the exponent β for d=4 and 5, are given. We quote γ=1.73±0.03, 2.00±0.25, and 2.70.6+1.0 and β=0.95±0.04, 0.9±0.1, and 0.7±0.2 in 5, 4, and 3 dimensions, respectively. Our results provide a smooth extrapolation between the mean-field results above six dimensions and experiments and simulations in physical dimensions. We relate our calculated derivatives of χEA to measurements of derivatives of the magnetization with respect to a uniform magnetic field.

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