Quantitative Wertung des Umsatzes der Phosphatester in der Darmschleimhaut von Ratten während der Fructoseresorption

As shown on adult rats, killed by carotid inj. of 1 cc. N/5 NaCN soln. at various times after the oral adm. of fructose, there occurred in the intestinal mucosa, during absorption of fructose, a marked decrease of inorganic P and an increase in easily hydrolyzable P, a result of simultaneous phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. If monophosphorylation of absorbed fructose is assumed, the initial rate at which the phosphate ester was hydrolyzed was sufficient to account for the rate of absorbtion of 95% of the fructose. The phosphate esters of the resting intestinal mucosa were hydrolyzed much more slowly after NaCN inj. than the esters newly formed as a result of fructose absorption.

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