Accelerated cheese ripening with heat treated cells of Lactobacillus helveticus and a commercial proteolytic enzyme

Summary: Synergic effects of proteolytic enzymes from two different microbial sources on the ripening of Swedish hard cheese were studied. When extracellular proteolytic enzymes from Bacillus subtilis (Neutrase) and/or heat treated cells of Lactobacillus helveticus (now L. delbrueckii subsp. helveticus) were added to the cheese milk, cheese ripening was accelerated; Neutrase effectively hydrolysed casein to give a softer body. Addition of heat treated lactobacilli did not accelerate hydrolysis of casein, but accelerated the breakdown of peptides which increased the amount of amino acid N in the cheese and also enhanced the intensity of cheese flavour. A bitter taste which developed in cheeses with added Neutrase could be eliminated by the simultaneous addition of heat treated lactobacilli.