Thomson,1of England, in his original report described 3 patients with a condition which he named poikiloderma congenitale. The changes in the skin were present at birth and were similar to those found in poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare as described by Jacobi. Thomson called attention to the presence of developmental changes in bones, besides the abnormal condition of the skin, in each of his patients. Chiale,2of the University of Milan, reported a fourth instance of the disease. In his case developmental defects of bone were not reported. REPORT OF CASE B. M., a white girl aged 6 years, entered the Grady Hospital in 1933, where she remained for three months. Dermatologic consultation was not requested during this period. The following history was obtained from the mother at that time: The child was premature, weighing 4 pounds (1,814 Gm.) at birth. The delivery was normal. The mother said that