IT has been estimated thatTrichomonas vaginalis,the organism most frequently encountered in association with leukorrhea and vaginitis, is harbored by one of every 5 women in the United States. Need for an effective drug to combat this annoying infection is obvious. Innumerable topical therapeutic agents tried in the past for treatment of trichomonal vaginitis afforded an occasional cure but only temporary symptomatic relief in the majority of cases. Failure with these agents is due to the fact that some trichomonads are located in areas other than the surface of the vagina or cervix. The purpose of this paper is to report a preliminary clinical evaluation of an orally effective drug, metronidazole, l-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitro-imidazole (Flagyl), in treatment of vaginitis in 50 private patients. Clinical investigators—first in France and later in England, Canada, and the United States—have all been enthusiastic about the high percentage of cures effected with this trichomonacide.2-5 Material and