Decay of 16-MinuteTa182m

A revised decay scheme of the 16-minute isomer Ta182m involves three states of Ta182 at excitation energies of 147 kev, 319 kev, and 503 kev. Transition multipolarities were classified by measuring both gamma-ray coincidences and internal conversion electrons. The 503-kev isomeric state decays mainly (98%) by a 184-kev E3 transition to the 319-kev state. This 319-kev state decays mainly (94%) to the 147-kev state by means of a 172-kev transition that is predominantly M1. The 147-kev transition to the ground state is also predominantly M1. Two of the three possible crossover transitions were observed; a 356-kev M4 transition originates at the isomeric level and a 319-kev E2 transition connects the second excited state with the ground state.