Electron tunneling experiments using Nb-Sn ‘‘break’’ junctions

An Nb‐Sn filament mounted on a flexible glass beam can be broken to form an electron tunnelingjunction between the fracture elements. Breaking the filament in liquid helium prevents oxidation of the freshly exposed fracturesurfaces. A sharp superconductingenergy gap in the I‐V characteristics measured at 4 K indicates the formation of a high‐quality tunneling barrier between the fracture elements. The resistance of the junction can be continuously adjusted by varying the surface bending strain of the beam. An estimated 0.1 nm change in the barrier thickness produces about an order of magnitude change in the resistance over the range from 105 to 108 Ω. The exponential character of this dependence shows that the tunnel junction is freely adjustable without intimate contact of the junction elements. ‘‘Break’’ junctions made in this way offer a new class of tunneling experiments on freshly exposed surfaces of a fractured sample without the oxide barrier previously required for junction stability. Such experiments provide a simple technique for tunneling to new materials and may eliminate complications that can be encountered during interpretation of data obtained using oxide barriers.