Circular Polarization Measurements in the β Decay of V48, Co56, Fe59, and Cs134

The βγ circular-polarization angular correlation has been measured for V48, Co56, Fe59, and Cs134 using the Livermore apparatus described previously. Since all of these decays (with one exception) are characterized by ΔJ=0, J0, and ΔT1, they possess the necessary elements for testing isospin conservation in allowed β decay. The measured asymmetry parameters are: -0.066±0.035 for V48, 0.00±0.03 for Co56, -0.074±0.022 for Cs134, and -0.23±0.05 and 0.01±0.10, respectively, for the 462-keV and 271-keV, β branches in Fe59. These results are consistent in all cases with a very small Fermi matrix element and therefore support the validity of isospin conservation, with the doubtful exception of the 271-keV β-decay branch of Fe59. However, in this case the extreme difficulty of disentangling the 271-keV branch from the 462-keV branch, which is pure Gamow-Teller [32(β)52(γ)72], renders this exception rather uncertain. In the case of V48 our result is in disagreement with that of Boehm and Wapstra, who found evidence for sizable interference, but is in better agreement with the result of Daniel and Kuntze, who find evidence for small interference. Our Co56 result is in excellent agreement with the work of Daniel and Kuntze. Our result for the low-energy branch of the Fe59 decay (ΔJ=0) is in accord with the work of Forster and Sanders, the accuracy being, however, very poor in both measurements. With regard to the high-energy branch (ΔJ=1), our result is lower by a factor of two than that of Forster and Sanders.