Unitary Padé Approximants in Strong-Interaction Physics: The Nucleon-Nucleon System

The unitary Padé approximants, successfully introduced in strong-interaction physics for the pion and kaon systems, are now applied to the nucleon-nucleon problem. It is assumed that the interaction between two nucleons is described by the renormalizable Lagrangian LI=igψ¯γ5τψΦ+λ(Φ·Φ)2. We present the result of the complete calculation of the [1,1] unitary Padé approximant, which does not involve the second term in the Lagrangian: This implies that no free parameters appear in our model. A complete description of low-energy nucleon-nucleon physics is then obtained which qualitatively and often quantitatively agrees with experiment. Bound states appear only in S waves, and a real pole is found in the deuteron amplitude at 4.8 MeV when the pion-nucleon coupling constant is taken at its physical value g24π=14.7. The Regge trajectories rise with energy: The deuteron recurrence does not become physical, while the recurrences of the virtual S01 state give rise to narrow resonances in the D21 and G41 waves. For all waves (with the exception of the S01 which in the [1,1] Padé approximation has a wrong threshold behavior), the calculated phase shifts are in good qualitative agreement with the experimental phase-shift analysis.