Previous studies showed that certain tussur-silk components, relatively soluble in 25% H3SO4, are not hydrolyzed when stronger acid is used. In this study hydrolysis with 25% H2SO4, in addition to the ordinary amino acids, yielded nor-valine and l-alanyl-l-tyrosine. Heating with 40% H2SO4 gave the same products with the exception of no tryptophane and no aspartic acid; as an additional product 0.2% chitosamine was also formed. A 3rd hydrolysis with 70% H2SO4 gave only alanine (62.5%) and glycocoll (2.5%). Here the unhydrolyzed portion was found to contain the tetra-peptid, di-l-alanyl-l-alanyl-glycine, which may have been formed from a cyclic compound and ammonia, [long dash]a result of the action of residues remaining after this hydrolysis.