Malaria surveillance - United States, 2005.

  • 8 June 2007
    • journal article
    • case report
    • Vol. 56 (6), 23-40
Malaria in humans is caused by any of four species of intraerythrocytic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium (i.e., P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, or P. malariae). These parasites are transmitted by the bite of an infective female Anopheles sp. mosquito. The majority of malaria infections in the United States occur among persons who have traveled to or from areas with ongoing malaria transmission. In the United States, cases can occur through exposure to infected blood products, congenital transmission, or local mosquitoborne transmission. Malaria surveillance is conducted to identify episodes of local transmission and to guide prevention recommendations for travelers. This report summarizes cases in persons with onset of illness in 2005 and summarizes trends during previous years. Malaria cases confirmed by blood film or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are mandated to be reported to local and state health departments by health-care providers or laboratory staff. Case investigations are conducted by local and state health departments, and reports are transmitted to CDC through the National Malaria Surveillance System (NMSS). Data from NMSS serve as the basis for this report. CDC received reports of 1,528 cases of malaria, including seven fatal cases, with an onset of symptoms in 2005 among persons in the United States or one of its territories. This number represents an increase of 15.4% from the 1,324 cases reported for 2004. P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale were identified in 48.6%, 22.1%, 3.5%, and 2.5% of cases, respectively. Twelve patients (0.8% of total) were infected by two or more species. The infecting species was unreported or undetermined in 22.6% of cases. Compared with 2004, the largest increases in cases came from the Americas (23.1%; n = 213) and Asia and the Middle East (18.6%; n = 204). On the basis of estimated volume of travel, the highest estimated case rates of malaria among travelers occurred among those returning from West Africa. Of 870 U.S. civilians who acquired malaria abroad, only 160 (18.4%) reported that they had followed a chemoprophylactic drug regimen recommended by CDC for the area to which they had traveled. Two patients became infected in the United States, both attributed to congenital transmission; both were infected with P. vivax. Seven deaths were attributed to malaria, all caused by infection with P. falciparum. The 15.4% increase in malaria cases in 2005, compared with 2004, resulted primarily from increases in the number of cases reported from Asia and the Middle East and from the Americas. This increase might in part reflect more complete reporting and in part increased travel to malarious areas. No change was noted in proportions of cases from other areas of the world, or in species responsible for the infection. In the majority of reported cases, U.S. civilians who acquired infection abroad had not adhered to a chemoprophylaxis regimen that was appropriate for the country in which they acquired malaria. U.S. civilians who traveled to West Africa had the highest estimated relative case rate. Additional investigations were conducted for the seven fatal cases and two infections acquired in the United States. Persons traveling to a malarious area should take one of the recommended chemoprophylaxis regimens appropriate for the region of travel and use personal protection measures to prevent mosquito bites. Any person who has been to a malarious area and who subsequently has a fever or influenza-like symptoms should seek medical care immediately and report their travel history to the clinician; investigation should include at least one blood-film test for malaria. Malaria infections can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Recommendations concerning malaria prevention can be obtained from CDC at or by calling the Malaria Hotline (telephone 770-488-7788). Recommendations for malaria treatment can be obtained at or by calling the Malaria Hotline.