Adherence of L1210 murine leukemia cells to sephacryl- aminopropylcobalamin beads treated with transcobalamin-II

Sephacryl beads containing an immobilized aminopropylcobalamin- transcobalamin-II complex serve as foci for the adherence of L1210 murine leukemia cells. Bead-cell interaction does not occur when (A) nonderivatized beads are used; (B) transcobalamin-II is omitted or presaturated with cyanocobalamin in the preparation of the bead complex; (C) intrinsic factor replaces transcobalamin-II; and (D) the complex is removed from beads by photolysis. These observations suggest that adherence results from the ability of transcobalamin-II to form a bridge between immobilized cobalamin on the bead and receptors in the plasma membrane of the cell.