Canonical field theory predicts that a zero-mass scalar field theory with a λφ4 interaction is scale invariant. It is shown here that the renormalized perturbation expansion of the λφ4 theory is not scale invariant in order λ2. Matrix elements of the divergence of the dilation current Dμ(x) are computed in order λ2 using Ward identities; it is found that μDμ(x) is proportional to λ2φ4(x). It is also shown that the dimension of the field φ4 differs from the canonical value in order λ, and that this result leads one to expect a λ2φ4 term in μDμ. It is also found that matrix elements of the composite field φ4(x) in perturbation theory have troublesome singularities at short distances which force one to give careful definitions for equal-time commutators and Fourier transforms of T products in the Ward identities involving this field.