In spermatocytes of Bithynia leachi and B. tentaculata, synaptonemal complexes with nodules in an achiasmatic meiosis were demonstrated for the first time by means of the spreading technique. The number and position of the nodules are different in each species and are independent of the length of the chromosomes. Although no crossing over occurs in Bithynia chiasma-like terminal connections of the chromosomes are preserved in diakinesis by the presence of the nodules. — Enzymatic treatments revealed information regarding their composition of alkaline proteins, RNA and DNA. In all proteolytic digestions the nodules more of less retain their position in the central region, while they disappear immediately if SCs are exposed to DNase. On the basis of the results a model of the composition and the function of nodules can be developed considering the concept of a lampbrush-organization of the chromosomes in early meiotic prophase.