Primary atypical pneumonia is characterized by a low mortality and relatively few complications.1 Of these complications, those involving the central nervous system seem to be particularly infrequent. Except for the brief summary of Scarlini2 (in Italian) no review on this specific aspect of atypical pneumonia has appeared in the literature. It is the purpose of this paper to review the reported cases and to add a case report. REPORT OF A CASE A 34-year-old housewife was admitted to the Edgewater Hospital on Feb. 13, 1955. She presented a 10-day history of chill, fever, cough, and expectoration. During this time she had received penicillin, erythromycin U. S. P. (Ilotycin), and "sulfa," without any apparent improvement. Physical examination upon admission revealed a temperature of 101 F, pulse rate of 122, and respiratory rate of 24. Diminished breath sounds and rales were present over the left upper lobe. A chest plate