Suppression of the isospin-½, three-body photodisintegration ofHe3

The suppression of the isospin-½, three-body photodisintegration of He3 is shown to result from two facts: (1) For the S=12, I=12 states of three nucleons, the spin-isospin symmetries lead to integral equations dominated by a single effective interaction V+, which is the average of the NN s-wave spin-singlet and spin-triplet interactions and (2) This V+ supports a bound state due to the nature of the NN effective-range parameters. In the approximation that the (½,½) states are generated from V+ alone, it is clear that a fraction of the isospin-½ bremsstrahlung-weighted sum rule must come from two-body photodisintegration with a corresponding reduction of the three-body channel contribution, since the total isospin-½ sum rule is fixed. The substantial reduction of the actual physical isospin-½, three-body photodisintegration is directly related to the strength of V+.

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