Vibrational spectroscopy at very high pressures. Part 6.—Infrared spectra of silver nitrate polymorphs

The i.r. spectrum of silver nitrate has been studied as a function of temperature up to 184.5°C and at pressures up to 40 kbar in a diamond anvil cell. The characteristic features of phases I, II and III are reported. The spectra, and presumably the structures, of AgNO3(II) and (III) are similar to those of KNO3(I) and (IV) respectively. In accord with earlier work on the phase diagram, we find that a metastable phase, AgNO3(V), can be obtained by rapid, rather than slow, application of pressure and have characterised it by i.r. spectroscopy at 60 kbar. Slight red shifts observed for AgNO3(II) are accounted for using a theory of dipole-dipole coupling due to Decius.