Parity-nonconserving effects in thermal neutron capture by protons and the short-range behavior of the strong two-nucleon force

Pγ, the photon circular polarization in np radiative capture at thermal energies, is calculated for a class of weak-interaction Hamiltonians and several short-range phase-equivalent transformations (PET's) of the Reid soft-core potential. The calculations, which are exact except for the usual first-order approximation in the weak interaction, are facilitated by the use of Green's function techniques. An error in the form of the electromagnetic-interaction Hamiltonian Hem that has appeared in the literature is also corrected. For the Reid soft-core potential and the Cabibbo model Pγ=+2.28×108. For a given weak Hamiltonian it is found that nonlocal PET's of the Reid potential may increase Pγ by as much as an order of magnitude. For the PET's considered the enhanced values of Pγ are all positive. This extreme sensitivity to the short-range two-nucleon potential, and the discrepancy in sign between the experimental value, Pγ=(1.30±0.45)×106, and theoretical predictions, greatly complicates attempts to use the study of Pγ to discriminate among weak-interaction Hamiltonians.