The distribution of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) and acid phosphatase (AcPase) has been examined in resting parotid acinar cells as well as during decreased and increased secretory granule production. In resting acinar cells, TPPase activity was restricted to the trans Golgi saccules and AcPase activity was localized in GERL and immature secretory granules. Although secretory granule production is diminished during ethionine intoxication, no significant alteration in the distribution of either TPPase or AcPase was noted. However, marked changes in enzyme localization, especially of TPPase, occurred during accelerated secretory granule production. The alterations were essentially the same for all of the conditions studied (recovery from ethionine treatment, recovery from a protein depletion diet, secretory stimulation with isoproterenol, and postnatal maturation of the parotid gland). During maximal secretory granule production, TPPase activity was localized not only in the trans Golgi saccules, but also in GERL-like cisternae and immature secretory granules. The immature secretory granules were often in continuity with the GERL-like cisternae. At the same time that the TPPase activity was increased, the AcPase activity was frequently diminished. These modulations in enzyme activity provide evidence that GERL is derived from the trans Golgi saccule.