Disintegration ofCe139

The decay of Ce139 is shown to proceed by s-electron capture to a single excited state of La139 with the subsequent emission of an internally converted gamma ray. Magnetic beta-ray spectrometry and scintillation coincidence techniques have been used to show that the 166-kev gamma ray is magnetic dipole in character. The measured K(L+M) ratio is 6.6±0.3. An estimation of the K internal conversion coefficient yields 0.20±0.05 and the lifetime of the excited level is found to be less than 108 sec. An upper limit of 315 kev is found for the total disintegration energy. Although no estimate of orbital electron capture to the ground state can be made, a small amount is probable. A value of 0.94±0.02 for the K fluorescent yield at Z=57 is obtained from the experiment.