Scattering ofK−Mesons in the Momentum Range 1.08-1.37 GeV/cfrom a Polarized Proton Target

Asymmetry measurements have been made in elastic Kp scattering at eight beam momenta between 1.08 and 1.37 GeV/c, and covering a range in cosθ between 0.78 and -0.95, where θ is the scattering angle in the c.m. system. Measurements were made using a 17-m-long unseparated beam of negative particles, kaons being selected by a differential liquid Čherenkov counter. The method employed was to scatter off a polarized proton target and detect the scattered particles with arrays of plastic scintillation counters. Information was processed by a fast logic system incorporating tunnel diodes, which was linked directly to a PDP-5 computer. The latter performed some preliminary analysis, with particular reference to back-ground measurement. The results of the measurements are tabulated and compared with polarization predictions derived from fits to differential cross-section experiments.