Ammonia content of canine blood after oral administration of ammonium salts and ammonia

The normal blood ammonia content for resting dogs was either zero or below the analytical level when detd. by the method of Conway (Biochem. Jour. 29, 1935), but rose to 50-70 [gamma] of N per 100 ml. within 5 min. after shedding. Oral adm. of NH4Cl (0.5 g./kg.) caused a marked increase in the blood ammonia which reached 1 mg. N per 100 ml. in 15 min., and fell again to zero within 90 min. After NH4OH adm. (4 ml. of 10% NH4OH in 40 ml. water given orally) the blood ammonia rose to 0.3 mg. of N per 100 ml. in 15 min. falling again to zero within 45 min. Blood urea dets. carried out simultaneously showed a marked increase, the steepest rise occurring when the blood ammonia had returned almost if not quite to the zero level, indicating a marked lag in the urea formation after an initial ammonia fixation.